domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Optimization Modeling with LINGO (by Linus Schrage)

Optimization Modelling with Lingo (AMAZON)
This 500+ page text thoroughly discusses all major classes of optimization models. Perhaps the book's most useful feature is its liberal use of examples to illustrate each application and modeling concept. The discussion and examples are designed to teach you the modeling techniques you need to tackle your toughest problems.

The text contains information, which will appeal to a broad spectrum of modelers. For the modeling novice, the book provides chapters to introduce basic mathematical programming concepts, examine the modeling process, explain how to analyze solutions, and discuss the intricacies of designing and implementing optimization-based decision support systems. More advanced modelers will appreciate the ability to pick and choose from the variety of chapters dedicated to applying optimization techniques to specific applications. For a complete list of topics, see Optimization Modeling with LINGO's Table of Contents

Para descargar el libro completo hagan clic aquí.
Para ver opciones de descarga de Lindo/Lingo hagan clic aquí o aquí.

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